The RCM Module will be installed or integrate with the current HIS system at the providers end. The RCM Module is fully integrated with the DHS MTS Application and other solutions, to guarantee an improvement in performance. This program will communicate with all modules that operate all of the provider’s departments and units to obtain an output that can generate a valid claim for submission..
Mawa3idi Application
The application was specifically designed to cater to the healthcare industry. It facilitates the users to book appointments online, while also providing the facility of remote patient’s services.
The application is integrated with the Pro-Surance System or the current HIS system at the providers end.
MSV/ PSV Service (Eligibility for patient with medical insurance)
Electronic Eligibility response Data Input to HIS.
eWallet (soon)
Full Market study (Competitors, Service Price, Service Quality)
Marketing Budget Planning
Medical policy & procedures and Insurance protocols set up
Set up KPI’s and Live Dashboard
Technical and Supportive Consultancies
Consulting in contracting with Insurance companies, Vendors and Suppliers
Services and Operation
Staff Training (Front desk, Customer services, Insurance)
Management and operation (Appointment center, reception and front desk)
A.R. and Contract management between related parties, RejectionDHS Dashboard and Analytical Solution (KPI’s per department, Rejection statement summary per insurance company with ratio)
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